Nexsis Smart Panel creates opportunities from sunlight.

The solar-powered Nexsis Smart Panel delivers sustainable and cost-effective access to clean drinking water, hot sanitation water, electricity, and connected IoT services to billions of people in need.

A sustainable solution to global scarcity issues

Nexsis is on a mission to help billions of underserved people gain reliable access to life’s essential resources: Clean water, clean energy, and access to financial services in a single solar-powered panel. 

844 million

Lack access to clean water

1.3 billion

Lack access to electrical power

2.0 billion

Lack access to banking services

2.3 billion

Lack access to basic sanitation

How Nexsis Smart Panel works

Nexsis Smart Panel provides comprehensive, off-the-grid access to distilled drinking water, UV-treated hot sanitation water, renewable solar energy, and IoT services. Using only sunlight, each panel produces:

  • 3,560 bottles of drinking water each year
  • 18,250 litres of hot sanitation water per year
  • 60W of renewable solar energy per day
  • Financial inclusion via pay-as-you-go IoT services

The only solution of its kind

Our patented technology delivers a comprehensive off-grid/microgrid utility infrastructure and financial services to underserved populations around the world.

Clean drinking water

Nexsis Smart Panel turns any water source into pure clean drinking water that exceeds international standards.

Hot sanitation water

Nexsis Smart Panel produces up to 50 litres (13.2 gallons) of UV-treated hot sanitation water each day.

Clean energy

Nexsis Smart Panel creates 60W of excess renewable solar energy each day from its integrated solar cells.

IoT enabled

Without any external power supply, our panels act as access points for pay-as-you-go services.

Clean Drinking Water

A sustainable solution for waterborne illness

The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers access to clean drinking water as an important global health and development initiative that yields significant health and economic benefits. Around half the hospital beds in the world are used to treat patients afflicted by waterborne illnesses, and illnesses caused by unsafe drinking water are even more prevalent in developing countries.

Nexsis uses a patented solar distillation process that leverages heat, evaporation and condensation to efficiently produce clean drinking water. This unique biomimicry process enables Nexsis to produce water at substantially higher rates of efficiency than competing products.

Nexsis Smart Panel turns any water source into pure clean drinking water that exceeds the robust international standards set down by WHO. Nexsis Smart Panel produces the equivalent of 3,560 bottles of drinking water each year.

Hot Sanitation Water

Elevating global biosecurity

On a global scale, health issues related to clean water go well beyond access to potable drinking water. 1.37 billion people around the world lack access to clean hand-washing resources at home, and 2.3 billion people lack basic sanitation facilities to properly dispose of biological waste.

As the world learned during the COVID pandemic, something as simple as hand-washing with clean water can help prevent the spread of communicable disease. In addition to distilled drinking water, Nexsis Smart Panel produces clean sanitation water at high volume to help prevent disease transmission related to hygiene.   

Using an ultraviolet (UV) treatment process that removes microbiological contamination from any water source, Nexsis Smart Panel produces up to 50 litres (13.2 gallons) of hot sanitation water each day, which can be used for hand-washing, bathing and hygienic disposal of biological waste.

Clean energy

Powering economic opportunity

Energy is at the heart of economic development. Without reliable energy, communities live in darkness, essential services suffer, and enterprises operate under crushing constraints.

Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy is vital to reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals and critical for many countries to meet their climate change targets.

Nexsis Smart Panel offers best-in-class integrated solar photovoltaic cells that can produce up to 60W of excess electricity. The produced energy is then stored in a rechargeable battery pack that is supplied as part of the Smart Panel to be used at the customers discretion. This rechargebale battery pack with provide enough energy for lights for up to 22 hours or can be used for phone charging or small consumer goods such as fans, Tv’s etc. Our technology allows users to minimise their climate impact and live more secure and productive lives.

IoT Enabled

Expanding financial inclusion

Connectivity and data are key drivers of growth and change in our society and economy. Nexsis works with leading payment providers to bring banking and financial services to 2 billion unbanked and underserved people around the world — and to help governments make informed decisions regarding water and energy infrastructure investments.

Every Nexsis Smart Panel is an access point for financial inclusion and other connected services, with integrated Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities that enable pay-as-you-go services, fractionalised ownership, peer-to-peer trading and connected financial services. Nexsis Smart Panel acts as a gateway for digital services to a large extensive consumer base that is often hard to tap into.

Nexsis has partnered with leading global cellular and unlicensed spectrum connectivity providers to ensure that IoT and data services can be provided no matter where a Nexsis Smart Panel is deployed.

Our Partners

Get in touch

Contact the Nexsis team now to learn more about our smart-panel technology and how you can participate in the water, energy, and data revolution.